
Business Measurement

Business Performance

SkedWise's reporting module provides in depth real-time analysis of where you are against break-even; where as dashoards and comparison charts show you at a glance all that is happening day to day, in your business.

Always have accurate and up to date business performance information. Make informed decisions about your business.


Shows you the day's and current month's revenue along with the year's sale and different monthly comparisons. In addition to this you also get other KPI's right on your dashboards such as highly performing staff, services and products and much more

Charts & Graphs

Comparison charts are available with filters allowing you to keep an eye on how different sections of your business are performing and what areas require your attention


Skedwise turns your appointments, purchases, staff schedules and more into simple reports for you to analyze later. Reports reveal trends you can use to plan for future inventory, marketing efforts, staff trainings and more.