
Customer Relation

Know your clients better!

Your customers are the heart of your business. Our system provides robust profiles and reports to help you build better relationships with your new and existing customers. With Skedwise, you can track customers’ first and last visits, view real-time total sales, see appointment history and preferences, update their account and create your customer's custom and allergy alerts.

Store all your clients and their retail and services history, including adding notes for any allergies, records for hair colors and facials, along with birthdays and anniversaries.

Color Coded Clients

Want to offer special discounts to friends and long time clients? Set up colors for each client and identify your most important clients at a glance (regulars, high spenders, relatives, etc.).

Client's Important Dates

Keep the clients important dates such as Birthday and Anniversary stored in your database. SkedWise will remind you to send them text or email messages, even offer special discounts to the loyal customers.

Custom Alerts

Let SkedWise remind your receptionist what the client likes, is going through or is interested in. Enter little details that will help the receptionist make the client feel "cared for" each time they visit using the custom alerts option that can be entered on the go!

Daily Notification

Notifications for all clients who have birthdays or other special days or have been marked for reminders will appear at your receptionist screen. Show your customers that you care by calling them up or wishing them!

Customer Profiles

View any customer's complete profile on a single screen and see their visits, future appointments, previous invoices along with their other preferences such as hair-color, favorite massage, treatments etc.

Encourage Customer Visitis

Use the Loyalty Program Add-On to offer deals and discounts to your loyal customers.